
EGIPTE - Enlaces de interés:

http://egypte.blogs.liberation.fr/guibal/2009/03/corve-de-course.html Egyptoblogue

Carnet de bord de Claude Guibal, correspondante de «Libération» au Caire.

Cairo, March 28th 2011. This documentary gathers harsh evidence against Field Marshal Tantawi, the man in charge of Egypt's transition to justice and democracy. Not to mention the fact that ousted President Mubarak and several icons of the fallen regime remain untouched, several alarming events have started to surface. They all seem to indicate that Field Marshal Tantawi is a Mubarak loyalist and that it may well be that the old regime is rebuilding from within.

This film highlights the powerful role women played in Egypt's January 25th revolution. Directed, produced and edited by Yasmin Moll. All rights reserved. 2011.

Relat d’una noia detinguda per agitació social.

Imatges de la revolta filmades pel català Marc Almodovar.


Entrevista con Hossam el-Hamalawy, periodista y bloguero egipcio.

Moment de la caiguda de Mubarack.                                                                           

Egyptian Revolution Documentary Film.

EGIPTE - Taula de continguts

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